Pitter Patter Goes my Heart

Our daughter adopted a fourth foster child- several months ago the paperwork was finalized. It takes a long time for a child to enter the foster system, find a home that is a good fit and then for adoption to be completed.

When your child has a baby- I have always believed that it is their special time to bond with their baby. I’ve always tried to be supportive but not tell them what to do every step of the way. After all I made lots of parenting mistakes and part of those mistakes are how we bond with our babies and work at being a better parent.

When you child adopts an older child they still need that bonding time. And it feels like that bonding time takes longer. I’ve wanted these four children to embrace my husband and I as their lifelong grandparents. I knew it would take time. They have had traumas in their lives that leave them not trusting people.

I’ve gotten to watch them bond to our daughter~ and treat us kindly but not invite us into their circle of trust. I know this can not be forced- it must be earned, but sometimes it feels like it is never going to happen.

But yesterday one more of these precious children asked to come to work with me. After we did my drive up valley and then back home he asked if he could spend the night. I am so excited that I had to share it with the world! It has taken a long time but we have begun a bond and as his grandparents we have been invited into his trust circle.

I pray that we never break his trust. I pray we are the beginning of him being able to recognize good, healthy relationships over abusive, neglectful ones. May he heal in every way- spiritually, emotionally and physically. Tonight he is staying with us again! Two nights in a row ~ Pitter Patter ~ Pitter Patter !

My newest novel is LIVE!

Another touching tale weaved with love, sorrow, hope and joy!

Regina Walker

Saved by an Accident: Rescued Book One
by Regina Walker

A red stallion named Bear lived with a family who didn’t want to go to the trouble of gelding him, so when he got aggressive as a stud, they sold him at auction. An aggressive coming four-year-old stud doesn’t have many prospects in this world, so a kill buyer bought him. During transport to slaughter, a terrible accident occurred taking the lives of several horses on board. Although Bear survived, they put him in a pen on the back of the property and neglected to care for him and the other survivors.

Debra dedicated her entire life to working hard and raising her daughter, Nicole. Being a retired empty-nester wasn’t so bad because she spent time with Nicole often. But when Nicole moves away with her husband, Debra is lonely and lost. When the sweet couple at the old feed…

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Day 51 of 75HARD

Regina Walker

Whew. I don’t even know where to begin. Today is the start of Day 51 of 75HARD. And it has been hard. But it’s been good, so good.

I’m down 31 lbs. My progressive photos blow me away. (Still not sharing because I take them in my skivvies and don’t believe in posting that online.) I have more energy than I’ve had in years. I have been more active – in more ways than just getting in my two work outs.

My chronic pain and headaches/migraines are way down/virtually gone.

I picked the Whole30 diet and even though I’m past 30 days, I haven’t started reintroducing any foods.

Some of the reason for this is that on Thursday, I’m having surgery to repair an umbilical hernia. I don’t want to cause any digestive upset leading up to that surgery or immediately after it. In about two weeks, I will try…

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